Friday, 12 March 2010

REMINDER - One Day Special Lawrence Conference

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Archaeology Newsletter

Lawrence, the Arabs, and the genesis of modern guerrilla warfare

One day Special Conference

When:   Saturday 15 May 2010                                                                
Where: Clore Management Centre
           Birkbeck University of London
           Bloomsbury, London

On the 75th anniversary of T E Lawrence’s death, three leading academic specialists assess his role in the desert war of 1916-1918 and his relevance in understanding the conflicts of the last 90 years. Neil Faulkner and Nick Saunders are joint directors of a pioneering new field project that is investigating the archaeological remains of the conflict along the line of the former Hijaz Railway. Jeremy Wilson, author of Lawrence of Arabia: the authorised biography of T E Lawrence, is widely recognised as the world’s leading authority on his subject. Together, on the basis of radically new evidence and interpretation, they offer a day of illustrated talks and discussion that will reassess Lawrence, his role, and his legacy. And they will draw some stark lessons: about the parallels between the failure of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 and the unfolding disaster of the ‘war on terror’ today.

9.30-10.00 Registration (tea and coffee available)
10.00-10.15 Introduction to the day
10.15-11.30 Jeremy Wilson: A legend on record?
                        Researching the archive of Lawrence’s war

11.30-11.45 Short break
11.45-1.00 Nick Saunders: Fire on the desert: conflict archaeology
                        of the Great Arab Revolt

1.00-2.15         Lunch (not included)
2.15-3.30         Neil Faulkner: Lawrence: seminal theorist of
                        modern guerrilla warfare

3.30-4.00         Tea and coffee
4.00-4.30         Images from Lawrence of Arabia’s war
4.30-5.30         Plenary

The price of the conference for early bookings is £29 (before 15 April 2010). Standard booking price is £39.
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